Join Our High-Stakes Counter-Terrorism Tabletop Exercise (TTX)!

Are you ready to navigate the complexities of international counter-terrorism investigations? Step into the real-world-inspired scenario of our upcoming TTX, where you’ll confront urgent Islamic State threats and intricate investigations spanning multiple countries.

Operation 'UT' Counter Terrorism Investigation Simulation

Realistic Scenarios: Participate in a simulation inspired by an IS terrorist attack in Kuala Lumpur and the subsequent international efforts to dismantle a sophisticated terrorist network.

Work alongside law enforcement and intelligence agencies from Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia to appreciate the importance of coordinated counter-terrorism efforts.

Visualize and interpret critical intelligence data, including intercepted communications, satellite imagery, and financial transactions linked to key suspects.

Operation 'UT' Counter Terrorism Investigation Simulation

🌟 Special Highlights:

  • Real-time feedback and debriefing sessions to sharpen your skills.

  • Access to advanced simulation tools, visual aids, and realistic case materials.

  • Interaction with seasoned counter-terrorism experts who have tackled similar real-world challenges.

Operation 'UT' Counter Terrorism Investigation Simulation

By the end of the exercise, participants should have a well-defined investigative plan, incorporating all received intelligence, and demonstrate a clear understanding of the interconnected events.

Participant's ability to adapt to new information and refine strategies will be critical in successfully managing the simulated threat scenario.

The primary goal of this TTX is to help participants grasp the complexities of international counter- terrorism investigations, emphasizing the critical role of international police collaboration and investigation techniques.

Additionally, the exercise aims to underscore the practical importance of visualizing information to enhance investigative understanding and efficiency.


This 5 Hours simulation event is organised in a 4 Stars hotel in Singapore city center.

Operation 'UT' Counter Terrorism Investigation Simulation

Partecipation fee is fixed in -430-SGD per person, and comprises coffee break and lunch.

For more information contact today our training staff at