Certified Intelligence Analyst course (CITA)

Published on 22nd February, 2023

Certified Intelligence Analyst course (CITA)

In February 2023, Protective Intelligence Network trainers delivered a Certified Intelligence Analyst course for the benefit of security practitioners from Singapore, the Philippines, and Nigeria. The course was organised in collaboration with the Counter Terrorism Certification Board of Singapore.


From the analysis of organized crime operations in Europe, to link-analysis of a major human trafficking case in southeast Asia extrapolated from the case-video, observational analysis of intelligence services clips, 9/11 network analysis, exploitation of travelers data (BMIS), pattern analysis of active shooter events, and obviously... premises, inferences, hypothesis, biases, logic, critical thinking, and more.

Certified Intelligence Analyst course (CITA)

Next CITA program will be conducted in Singapore on 25-27 April 2023.

Meanwhile... train your critical thinking skills with this riddle...

There is a chemical that is very dangerous. If this chemical is inhaled... it may be fatal! Under certain conditions, contact with the skin can cause a burn. However, once a person's body becomes dependent on this chemical, prolonged separation from this chemical can cause death. However, even though many people know of this chemical, nothing is being done to try to get rid of it. Why is nothing being done about this chemical? :-)

Registration: maria@ctcboard.org