Malaysia Law Enforcement Agencies: Organised Crime Investigations Advanced Training
Published on 12th January, 2021
On Saturday 11 July 2020, a Police unit, at 04.30pm, in Kenarala Apartments 3, Jalan Wawasan, Taman Wawasan, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, tried to arrest three suspects believed to be local primary actors in an extremely violent criminal group linked to a major international organised crime ring operating in South East Asia and Europe.
The OC ring is involved in trafficking in persons for sexual exploitation, drug (meth) and arms trafficking activities. Local law enforcement received a tip from a police informant, a known criminal with several judicial records.
A control was organized by the local police station at such address. As soon as the police arrived at the apartment and asked to enter the premises, one of the suspects inside the house opened fire on the authorities with a gun.
In the resulting exchange of fire ....
These are the gripping initial steps of the criminal events that will conduce law enforcement training participants to a major international investigation - a simulation - a memorable role-playing and experiental learning event...

Protective Intelligence Network,in collaboration with the International Organisation for Migration in Kuala Lumpur, supported Malaysian law enforcement agencies in the preparation of an advanced curriculum and training manual on transnational organised crime investigations.
The newly created simulation of a criminal investigation is part of the innovative training proposed in this capacity building project, started in August 2020 and ended in January 2021. Training dates will be eventually considered at the end of the pandemic health emergency.
Realistic simulations permit trainees to develop behavioural skills, tactical skills, communication and teamwork skills, and a proper understanding of laws and regulations from acting in dynamic scenarios.
As said, the entire exercise is innovative as it includes realistic investigative activities. Participants are assigned real email addresses, and interact on dedicated laptops with a number of simulated domestic and international law enforcement agencies in the region.
During the exercise, mobile phones are provided to trainees in order to communicate with different role-playing entities – hotels, airport security, police offices, financial institutions, port authorities, etc. - with the final aim to gather relevant information and actionable intelligence that relates to the ongoing transnational organised crime enquiry.
Informants tips, video and audio recordings pertinent to the criminal investigation, will be also part of the training, and will be analysed and evaluated by the participants.
If the ongoing case suggests a practical intervention, such as a premises search, the tasked unit within the different trainees groups will move to an outdoor address, where a real search will take place in order to find evidence of crimes.
Learning Fun Assured !