NTU University - RSIS Singapore. MSc courses "Terrorism, Intelligence and National Security"

Published on 10th December, 2020

During November and December 2020, (Academic Year 2020-2021), Protective Intelligence Network instructors in Singapore delivered lectures in the frame of Master's degree courses of the internationally renown S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), at Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Lectures and exercises were delivered in two courses:

  • "Intelligence and National security";
  • "Terrorism, Intelligence and Homeland security".
NTU University - RSIS  Singapore. MSc courses

"Intelligence and National Security" (S6026) Master's degree course examines two aspects: first, national security decision-making, and second, the changing role of intelligence in managing traditional and non-traditional threats in the 21st century.

  • In the frame of this course Protective intelligence Network discussed mass surveillance postures, and the exploitation of open source in a counter terrorism and national security context, with special regard to social media and web investigations.
NTU University - RSIS  Singapore. MSc courses

"Terrorism, Intelligence and Homeland Security" (S6019) Master's degree course seeks to provide analysts and practitioners of counter-terrorism a clear conceptual framework for understanding the threat and state response to terrorism, in particular the response to asymmetric warfare of both the “old” and “new” terrorism.

  • In the frame of this course, Protective Intelligence Network discussed international counter terrorism investigations, and proposed a tabletop exercise, recreating the ambience of an operational command center, asking the participants to take urgent investigative decisions based on a very dynamic scenario and acquired evidences of crime.

As the RSIS Motto says... "Ponder the Improbable".

NTU University - RSIS  Singapore. MSc courses