Collaboration with GoTeam Singapore. New Active Shooter Simulation Training Course
Published on 7th November, 2019
In October 2019, a new collaboration agreement was signed between Protective Intelligence Network and GoTeam, renown Singaporean company specialised in laser tag technology. Collaboration aims to deliver Active Shooters simulation trainings for security practitioners and specific member of the public.
Weapons fire infrared beams aimed to infrared-sensitive targets worn by trainees. Vest will emit a bright light when they are hit, along with a loud alarm that confirm the target was hit. Trainees will implement security procedures in order to deal with Active Shooter threats.
Active shooter names the perpetrator of a type of mass murder marked by rapidity, scale, randomness. An individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. This tactic is also employed by terrorists, typically in so-called soft targets contexts such as hotels, and conference and entertainment venues.
This innovative Active Shooter training aims to simulate the event in a public space. It certainly represents a unique experience in this region... For more information contact Protective Intelligence Network in Singapore.